Wednesday, January 22, 2014

GOV 2305-003 (46858) Blog (1)

I was raised in a nonpolitical environment and my parents were not active in politics or religious activities. The nightly six o'clock news was a rare seen in my household and always had other activities planned. Life events partnered with living in differing regions of the United States along with traveling the world has shaped my political tendencies. Southern and Northern California, Central Texas, Northwest Colorado, Western Wyoming, and Western Sweden has exposed multiple political ideologies that has morphed my political views. The 9/11 attacks and living in Sweden has had the most impact on my view of American government and politics. Although I have no passion for politics, my political views tend to lean on the liberal side but blend aspects of socialism, environmentalism, and  lobby for equal opportunity. Modern American politics has a heavy influence from corporations and lobbyists that lead to a stale two-party debate. I scored a 9 out of 13 on the current events quiz. I've never delved into reading political blogs so this will be an interesting new world to explore.

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